Oh my goodness, praise the Lord for a healthy Attie!

The cysts have dissolved, his bones are bright, his heart has 4 beautiful beating chambers, his other organs are functioning well and we’re waiting on his measurements.  But only waiting because he was moving too much to measure in real-time.  He also has a (very) full head of hair, Catcher’s nose, a little chin, likes to suck his bottom lip and was confirmed one more time to definitely be a boy.

This morning seemed like a nightmare to me.  The exhaustion and dread were thick and every step to get to the appointment felt like a mountain to cross.  There was relief sitting in the waiting room and knowing we had finally arrived.

A combination of being 30 weeks pregnant and the nerves made laying on my back difficult.  Nausea and light-headedness set in early and just got worse during the appointment.  We ended early because I needed to get up and move around.  But all the measurements were taken and we had seen our healthy boy.

Today brings deep joy.  Joy that Thom and I will be soaking up in the weeks to come.  I look forward to the simple living of life with this cloud lifted.  Going to bed tonight and falling into bed with gratitude will be freedom.

I can’t say it enough, how your prayers have impacted our lives.  Thank goodness for iphones because we got many of the texts, emails etc you sent right up to the ultrasound.  Thank you for praying.  We feel loved in the best way possible.

And now 10 weeks until Attie’s due date.  Here’s to being allowed to dream about kissing my son for a lifetime.  Praise God because this is such a good and abundant gift.